1 Dime

  1. United States Of America One Dime
  2. 1 Dimensional Figure

1.94 grams: $0.03: $0.0199: Half Dimes: Flowing Hair Half Dimes (1794-1795) 89% Silver - 11% Copper: 1.34 grams: $0.05: $1.0376: Draped Bust Half Dimes (1796-1805) 89% Silver - 11% Copper: 1.35 grams: $0.05: $1.0453: Capped Bust Half Dimes (1829-1837) 89% Silver - 11% Copper: 1.35 grams: $0.05: $1.0453: Seated Liberty Half Dimes (1837-1873) 90%.

1865 s PCGS F12 Liberty Seated 1/2 Dime (dw1056) $237.40. 18 bids Ending Feb 7 at 2:05PM PST 16h 51m. 1853 Seated Liberty Half Dime Coin. 5 bids Ending Feb 12 at 12:42PM PST 5d 15h. Lot of One NGC-Certified, 1872 Half Dime Coin. CoinFacts is an in-depth online encyclopedia of United States coins. As the most comprehensive database for U.S. Coins on the internet, PCGS CoinFacts is a collector’s leading educational resource for buying, selling, and collecting coins.


››Convert dime to dollar bill

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››More information from the unit converter

How many dime in 1 Dollar?The answer is 10.
We assume you are converting between dime and dollar bill.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
dime orDollar
The main non-SI unit for U.S. currency is the dollar.
1 dime is equal to 0.1 dollar.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Use this page to learn how to convert between dimes and dollars.
Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!

United States Of America One Dime

››Quick conversion chart of dime to Dollar

1 dime to Dollar = 0.1 Dollar

10 dime to Dollar = 1 Dollar

20 dime to Dollar = 2 Dollar

30 dime to Dollar = 3 Dollar

1 dimensional shapes

40 dime to Dollar = 4 Dollar

50 dime to Dollar = 5 Dollar

100 dime to Dollar = 10 Dollar

200 dime to Dollar = 20 Dollar

››Want other units?

You can do the reverse unit conversion fromDollar to dime, or enter any two units below:

››Common U.S. currency conversions

dime to two dollar bill
dime to ten dollar bill
dime to five dollar bill
dime to half dollar
dime to cent
dime to quarter
dime to nickel
dime to penny
dime to hundred dollar bill
dime to twenty dollar bill

United states of america one dime

››Metric conversions and more

1 Dimensional Figure

ConvertUnits.com provides an onlineconversion calculator for all types of measurement units.You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as wellas English units, currency, and other data. Type in unitsymbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length,area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm,inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3', 10 stone 4, cubic cm,metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!