Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men & women who share their experiences, strengths & hopes with each other to help solve their common problems. Locate a meeting near you. Talk to someone now. Gamber Anonymous International Service Office. We’re here 24/7 online and on the phone. Free, confidential Gambler's Help services, including in other languages, are available 24/7. Call 1800 858 858. For support during Coronavirus, visit here. Gamblers Anonymous has made online accommodations for GA participants where in-person community meetings have been paused due to Covid-19 public health guidelines. Below are local access contact information to call into all daily GA meetings.
Gamblers Anonymous.
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from a gambling problem.
Local Meetings
We hold approximately 130 meetings every week across Australia.
MeetingsNo Fees
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling. There are no dues or fees for Gamblers Anonymous membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
In order to lead normal, happy lives we try to practice to the best of our ability certain principles in our daily affairs. The first positive step is to attend your first meeting. The lasting benefits come by attending regular meetings.
If you are a partner, family member or friend of someone with a gambling problem, you may find the help you need at Gam-Anon Family Groups.
More InfoNew to Gamblers Anonymous?
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Compulsive gambler?
When you start gambling can you stop when you want? Can you control the amount of money you gamble? Is gambling destroying your life? Is your partner threatening to leave?
Gamblers Anonymous provides help and support through attendance at meetings. The purpose of attending meetings is to help you learn how to live without the need to gamble.
Can a compulsive gambler ever gamble normally again?
Gamblers Anonymous Number Uk
No. The first bet to a compulsive gambler is like the first drink to an alcoholic. Sooner or later he or she falls back into the same old destructive pattern.
Need help?Gamblers Anonymous Meetings Near Me
How can you tell whether you are a compulsive gambler?
Gamblers Anonymous Near Me
Only you can make that decision. Most people turn to Gamblers Anonymous when they become willing to admit that gambling has defeated them.